
@Work 2010.12.01
Hello! As promised, today we begin looking at the weapons of global trade wars.

And by the way, welcome to December!
Today's Lesson

SUBSIDIZE   助成金を与える、支援する


To subsidize something or someone is to help pay for something in order to encourage it to happen.

A subsidy is money given for such a purpose.
subsidize は、人や何かものごとに対して、実現するために、支払いの手助けをする、つまり、助成金を与える、支援する、という意味です。

subsidy は、そのような目的のために与えられるお金、つまり、助成金のことです。


1 The senator has introduced a bill that would subsidize power plants producing alternative energy.
2 The subsidized apartments are available to low-income families at well below rental market prices.
3 Banana farmers in the country have been receiving government subsidies for years.
4 We're lobbying the government to support the domestic dairy industry by introducing export subsidies for butter and cheese.
英会話レッスン Until tomorrow!