
HOME > WordMaster® > DEMOGRAPHIC(S)| 人口統計学の、層(人口統計学、人口動勢)

2007.10.25(Review of 2004.08.30 edition)

Hello again! Although today's topic doesn't begin with the word “mass”, it still fits in quite nicely with this week's theme. Enjoy!

Today's Lesson


  • Demographics (noun with an “s”) refers to statistical characteristics of a target market or other group of people; for example, age, gender, occupation, and income.

    The adjective form is demographic (without an “s”).

    A demographic (noun without an “s”) is a particular group of people who share one or more characteristics; for example, new mothers, male college students, or professional women over the age of 40.
  • demographics (名詞は常に「s」をつける)は、販売対象となる市場や、何らかの集団のもつ統計上の特徴、つまり、人口統計学、人口動勢、という意味です。例えば、年齢、性別、職業、収入などに関するデータをさします。

    形容詞形は、demographic (語尾の「s」はありません)で、人口統計学の、人口動勢の、という意味です。

    demographic (名詞、単数形)は、一つ、または、それ以上の特徴を共有する特定の集団、つまり、層のことです。例えば、新米の母親層、大学の男子学生層、40歳以上の職業を持つ女性層、などです。



  1. (to a magazine advertising sales rep)
    Send us some details on the demographics of your readers, and I'll pass them on to our marketing department.
  2. We've hired a consultant to analyze the demographics of our customer base so that we can better target our promotion campaigns.
  3. The demographic trend known as the “graying” of society - the rise in the proportion of the population over the age of 65 - has begun to put a strain on the Social Security systems of some countries.
  4. Businesses serving niche markets focus on the needs of a specific demographic - for example, tropical fish collectors or dental surgeons - rather than on the general consumer.

英会話レッスンThat's yet another useful piece of vocabulary you can now call your own!