OUT OF POCKETの意味、現金払いの、立替払いの、自腹を切って

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Welcome back from the weekend! We know you must be anxious to read the latest @Work edition after three days without, and we're anxious to show you what we've prepared.

Despite what the cynics may claim, business is NOT all about money. But money can certainly provide strong motivation to work hard and achieve great things. So we once again take up the subject of money this week by introducing you to a handful of idioms that are worth their weight in gold!

Today's LessonCATEGORY: イディオム
OUT OF POCKET   現金払いの、立替払いの、自腹を切って


  • Out-of-pocket (adjective) expenses are those you pay for with cash (and usually get reimbursed for later). Or, when talking about insurance, they're expenses you (rather than the insurance company) have to pay for yourself.

    This expression can also be used as an adverb, as in “to pay for something out of pocket”.
  • 経費について out-of-pocket (形容詞)と言うと、現金で支払う(普通は後で払い戻される)経費、という意味です。また、保険について使った場合は、(保険会社ではなく)自分で負担しなければならない費用をさします。

    この表現は、pay for something out of pocket (自腹を切って何かの支払いをする)というように、副詞としても使われます。



  1. (sales rep to employee in accounting department)
    a: I'd like to claim some out-of-pocket business entertainment expenses.
    b: Sure. Here's the form to fill out.
  2. The company still hasn't reimbursed me for over $200 in out-of-pocket expenses from my last business trip.
  3. Out-of-pocket costs for medical care have been rising in recent years.
  4. I'm afraid your insurance plan doesn't cover over-the-counter (= non-prescription) drugs. You'll have to pay for those out of pocket.

英会話レッスンThanks for coming!