JOB SATISFACTIONの意味、仕事のやりがい、仕事の満足度

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How do you like your job these days? Are you happy? Satisfied? We hope so - we really do.

We'd like to spend this week thinking about what contributes to a feeling of contentment at work. As always, it should be an investigation very much worth your time. Please join us!

Today's Lesson
JOB SATISFACTION   仕事のやりがい、仕事の満足度


  • Job satisfaction is the positive feeling employees have when their work, working conditions, salary, benefits, etc., meet their needs and expectations.
  • job satisfaction とは、仕事、職場環境、給与、福利厚生などが、従業員たちの需要や期待に見合ったときに彼らが抱く、肯定的な感情、つまり、仕事のやりがい、のことです。



  1. The most important reason why my job satisfaction is so high is the wonderful sense of camaraderie in the office. I really look forward to seeing my friends at work every day.
  2. a: How would you rate your job satisfaction these days?
    b: Well, since I haven't gotten a raise in three years, it's a lot lower than it used to be.
  3. We're hoping that the renovations will help to increase job satisfaction among the workers.
  4. You should see the career counselor before you start interviewing. He really helped me understand what factors were most likely to give me job satisfaction.

英会話レッスンOn a scale of 1 to 10, the WordMaster would rate his job satisfaction a 17! Thanks for making our work so pleasant!