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Although the American Declaration of Independence states that all “men” are created equal, this is, of course, meant to include the feminine half of the country as well. There are, however, many people who might argue that the feminine half is not equal at all, but is indeed the BETTER half of humanity. But we'll leave that debate for another time and proceed instead with the better half of today's WordMaster edition!

Today's LessonCATEGORY: 間違いやすいボキャブラリー


  • A person's gender is their sex (i.e., whether they are male or female).

    Be Careful! Gender is a less sensitive word than “sex” and is therefore safer to use in many situations.
  • gender とは、男性か女性かということ、つまり、性のことです。

    注意: gender は、多くの場合、 sex という言葉ほどデリケートな言葉ではないので、より無難に使えます。



  1. There is still quite a bit of gender discrimination in the workplace over there. On average, women make about 50 cents an hour less than their male counterparts (= men doing the same job).
  2. (man studying Japanese)
    I thought it might be better to learn spoken Japanese from a male teacher because of all the gender differences in the language.
  3. (co-workers)
    a: My wife's pregnant.
    b: Congratulations! Do you know the gender of the baby yet?
  4. (employer)
    I base promotions on job performance, not gender.

英会話レッスンHave a terrific day!