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For Life
2007.11.27(Review of 2000.09.03 edition)

Here's the Tuesday WordMaster - just for you!

Today's LessonCATEGORY: イディオム
TURN UP / TURN DOWN   (ボリュームなどを)上げる/下げる


  • To turn up a piece of equipment - or its volume, heat, etc. - is to INCREASE the amount of sound, heat, etc. it produces; for example, by moving a dial or pressing a button.

    To turn down a piece of equipment - or its volume, heat, etc. - is to REDUCE the amount of sound, heat, etc. it produces.
  • turn up は、例えば、ダイヤルをひねったり、ボタンを押したりして、機器が発する音量や熱などを上げる、という意味です。

    turn down は、反対に、機器の発する音量や熱などを下げる、という意味です。



  1. Turn up the radio - I love this song!
  2. Is it alright if I turn the heat up? You've only got it set at 15 degrees.
  3. Who turned down the heater again? It's freezing in here!
  4. (to a train passenger listening to loud music on headphones)
    Would you mind turning the volume down a little?

英会話レッスンUntil we meet again!