TOLL CALL、TOLL-FREEの意味、市外通話、通話料が無料の

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This call's on us!

Today's LessonCATEGORY: ジャパニーズイングリッシュ
TOLL CALL / TOLL-FREE   市外通話/通話料が無料の


  • A toll call is a telephone call that is charged at a higher rate than a local call.

    A telephone call or telephone number is toll-free if there is no charge to make the call.
  • toll call は、市内通話よりも高い料金が請求される通話、つまり、市外通話のことです。

    通話や電話番号について toll-free と言うと、電話をかけるのに料金がかからない、つまり、通話料が無料の、という意味になります。


  1. It's cheaper to use a phone card when making toll calls from a hotel.
  2. Would it be all right to use your phone to make a toll-free call?
  3. In Japan, phone numbers that begin with 0120 are toll-free.
  4. (fictional radio advertisement)
    Call us toll-free at 1-800-BERLITZ. That's 1-800-BERLITZ!**
    ** In the United States, 800 is a toll-free area code.

英会話レッスンWe'll take the day off tomorrow for National Foundation Day, and then we hope to see you back here on Friday for the latest @Work Challenge! Enjoy the holiday!