SET (you) BACKの意味、(金額が)かかる

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2010.01.15 (Review of 2006.12.13 edition)

Hello! Enjoy today's @Work edition in the knowledge that it won't set you back a penny!

Today's LessonCATEGORY: イディオム
SET (you) BACK   (金額が)かかる


  • If something sets you back a certain (especially a large) amount of money, that's how much it costs you.
  • set 人 back の後に、なんらかの(特に多額の)金額がくると、その金額がかかる、という意味になります。

SET (you) BACK


  1. Replacing our old office furniture will set us back at least $10,000. Are you sure it's necessary?
  2. This new accounting software set me back about $800, but it's worth every cent.
  3. a: I saw the engagement ring you gave Mary. That must have set you back quite a bit.
    b: Of course it did, but I didn't want to pinch pennies on something so important.

英会話レッスンAll the best to you this weekend!