PINCH PENNIESの意味、支出を切り詰める

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2010.01.14(Review of 2006.12.11 edition)

This week we're focusing on an important group of idioms dealing with money. Keep joining us each day, and by tomorrow you'll be four idioms richer and wiser!

Today's LessonCATEGORY: イディオム
PINCH PENNIES   支出を切り詰める


  • To pinch pennies is to be careful when spending money in order to use as little as possible.
  • pinch pennies とは、できるだけ出費を抑えるように、気をつけてお金を使う、という意味です。



  1. It's nice to be earning good money for a change, after all those years of pinching pennies as a student.
  2. I don't pinch pennies when it comes to my children's education.
  3. Many people are surprised to learn that even the very wealthy try to pinch pennies whenever they can.
  4. After 35 years of hard work and pinching his pennies, he was able to retire in relative comfort.

英会話レッスンTake care!