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2009.05.08(Review of 2006.06.08 edition)

It helps you save time and gas money; it reduces rush-hour traffic and air pollution; it allows you to spend more time with family, set your own work schedule, and create an office environment that perfectly matches your tastes. If you've got a job that's suited to it, this alternative work arrangement is a real winner!

Today's Lesson


  • To telecommute is to work at home or at some other location away from the office by using the Internet, a telephone, etc., to communicate with the office.
  • telecommute とは、インターネットや電話などを使って職場と連絡を取りながら、自宅やその他の職場以外の場所で働く、つまり、在宅勤務をする、という意味です。



  1. I'd love to be able to telecommute. That way I could stay home with the kids all day.
  2. Since Barry started telecommuting from his home, he seems much more relaxed. He really loves not having to make that long commute to work.
  3. My supervisor lets me telecommute three days a week, and he tries to schedule meetings only for days when I'm at the office.
  4. I see a lot of telecommuting jobs advertised on the Internet these days. Do you think they're legitimate?

英会話レッスンThanks for joining us yesterday and today. We'll be back with the first of five brand new editions on Monday. Until then, have a great weekend!