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2008.10.07(Review of 2005.09.12 edition)

Smart planning requires the right tools. Here are a couple of excellent ones!

Today's Lesson
APPOINTMENT BOOK vs. PLANNER   手帳 vs. システム手帳


  • An appointment book is a book with pages showing the days, weeks, or months of the year on which you can write scheduled activities and other things to do.

    A planner is an appointment book, especially one with extra features such as separate space for “to do” lists, extra pages for telephone numbers and addresses, blank pages for notes, etc.
  • appointment book とは、ページが日、週あるいは月別になっていて、予定された活動やその他するべきことを書き込めるようになっている手帳のことです。

    planner は、予定のほかに、することのリスト(to do リスト)や電話番号、住所欄、空白のメモ欄などのページがついた手帳、つまりシステム手帳のことです。



  1. a: Are you free on Tuesday afternoon?
    b: I'm not sure. Let me check my appointment book.
  2. (after a client arrives unexpectedly)
    Yes, I remember scheduling a meeting with you for today. I guess I just forgot to write it down in my appointment book.
  3. I bought a fancy new planner last week, but I don't know how to use it yet.
  4. (to an employee at a bookstore)
    Excuse me, do you sell day planner refills?

英会話レッスンWe're looking forward to our Wednesday appointment with you. In fact, why not jot it down in your planner right now so you don't forget?