GENERIC ノーブランドの、ジェネリックの

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2005.03.01 (Review of 2004.04.19 edition)

Welcome back!!

Now, most people know that you don't always have to buy something with a well-known brand name to get quality. In fact, sometimes goods without such a name can be as good, or better, than those you see on million-dollar TV commercials. And you won't have to pay for the cost of all that advertising!

Today's Lesson
GENERIC   ノーブランドの、ジェネリックの


  • A product is generic if it has no brand name or trademark.
  • ある商品について generic といった場合、その商品はブランド名や商標がない、という意味になります。最近は日本語でもジェネリック医薬品、などという使い方をします。


  1. Generic drugs are usually much cheaper than name brand equivalents.
  2. a: These are really expensive, aren't they?
    b: Aren't there any less-expensive brands or generic alternatives?

英会話レッスンTake care now!