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For Life


When your days with a loan from the library are over, here's the word you need!

Today's Lesson
DUE / OVERDUE   ~が期限である/~の期限が過ぎている


  • If a library book, CD, etc. is due by a particular date, it has to be returned by that date.

    If a book, CD, etc. is overdue, it hasn't been returned yet, even though the date it was due on has passed.
  • 図書館の本やCDなどについて due というと、その日までに返却しないといけないという意味になります。

    overdue とは、期限を過ぎても、本やCDなどが返却されていない状態をいいます。


  1. (a librarian to a girl checking out books)
    These books will be due on the 4th of October.
  2. (a mother to her son)
    Why haven't you returned these books yet? They were due three weeks ago!
  3. (a library calling someone at their home)
    The book “War and Peace” is checked out in your name, and it's now ten days overdue. Would you please return it as soon as possible?
  4. This library charges fines of 50 cents per day for overdue books and $1.00 per day for overdue CDs and DVDs.
  5. If a book hasn't been returned within five days after the due date, an overdue notice will be sent.

英会話レッスンAll the best to you this weekend!