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For Life

Hello! So good of you to join us again today! Today's pair of “Commonly Confused Words” may look a good deal like yesterday's, but take a closer look and you'll see the important difference!

Today's LessonCATEGORY: 混同しやすい言葉
(be) ACROSS vs. ACROSS FROM   ~の向こう側に vs. ~の向かいに


  • Across means “on the other side of”.

    So, for example, if your house is on one side of a street and a park is on the other side, you can say:

    My house is across the street from the park.

            OR we can separate the two parts and say:

    My house is across the street.


    My house is across FROM the park.
  • across には、「~の反対側に、向こう側に、」という意味もあります。


    My house is across the street from the park.
  • もしくは、この文章を二つに分けて、以下のように言うこともできます。

  • My house is across the street.


    My house is across FROM the park.


  1. The parking garage is just across the bridge on the left.
  2. I sat next to Lori, and Peter and Anne sat across from us.
  3. There's a good coffee shop across the street from my office.

英会話レッスンAll the best to you today!