
HOME > WordMaster® > DECISIVE | 決断力がある


We finish off this week with a word that you can't second guess!

Today's Lesson
DECISIVE   決断力がある


  • Someone is decisive if they're able to make decisions quickly and with confidence.
  • decisive は、自信を持って素早く決断を下すことができる、つまり、決断力がある、という意味です。



  1. It's funny, but I just naturally have more confidence in someone who is decisive, even if he makes mistakes once in a while.
  2. Sharon showed the company that a woman is capable of being a strong, decisive leader. She shattered the glass ceiling that had been in place for decades.
  3. Thanks to Shigeo's decisive action in an emergency, none of the employees were hurt.
  4. Unless we act quickly and decisively to end this strike, things could go very badly for us.

英会話レッスンWell, whether you're passionately idealistic or knowledgeably pragmatic, you deserve a good old-fashioned summer vacation. Yes, it's time to take our annual Obon holiday. Enjoy it, and then join us again here on Monday the 15th. We'll be looking for you!