
@Work 2010.11.12 (Review of 2005.02.22 edition)
Here's one way to woo influential people that the law doesn’t look very favorably on. We don't recommend it!
Today's Lesson
BRIBE   賄賂を贈る、賄賂
To bribe (verb) someone is to give them something valuable (such as money) to persuade them to do something, especially something dishonest.

A bribe (noun) is money or something else of value that is used to bribe someone.
動詞の bribe は、誰かに、特に不正なことをするのを承知させるために、価値のあるもの(お金など)を与える、つまり、賄賂を贈る、という意味です。

名詞の bribe は、このような目的のために用いる、お金やその他の価値あるもの、つまり、賄賂のことです。
1 He was accused of bribing a police officer after being stopped for drunk driving.
a:  How did you manage to get such great seats?
b:  I bribed the man at the box office.
3 The construction company offered bribes to the governor in exchange for lucrative contracts to build roads and government buildings.
4 Judge Cain was arrested for accepting bribes from the mafia that were intended to influence his decisions in court.
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