IDENTITY THEFTの意味、個人情報泥棒、身元詐称、なりすまし犯罪

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Today's Lesson
IDENTITY THEFT   個人情報泥棒、身元詐称、なりすまし犯罪


  • Identity theft is the illegal use of someone else's name, address, credit card number, or other personal information; for example, buying something using another person's credit card number or taking money out of their bank account.
  • identity theft とは、他人の名前、住所、クレジットカード番号その他の個人情報の違法な使用のことです。例えば、他人のクレジットカード番号を使って購入したり、銀行口座からお金を盗んだりすることです。



  1. The company offers comprehensive services for victims of identity theft.
  2. Protecting your Social Security number is one of the most important things you can do to protect yourself from identity theft.
  3. Over 100 cases of identity theft were traced to two individuals who were able to hack into the company's client database.

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