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For Life
2008.12.11(Review of 2002.12.13 edition)

It's two weeks and counting. The big day is almost here! So, in case you haven't sent these out yet, here's a friendly WordMaster reminder!

Today's Lesson
GREETING CARD   グリーティングカード


  • A greeting card is a card sent to someone for a special occasion; for example, a Christmas card, New Year's card, birthday card, graduation card, etc.
  • greeting card は、特別なときに送るカードのことです。例えば、Christmas card (クリスマスカード)、 New Year’s card (年賀状)、birthday card (誕生日カード)、 graduation card (卒業祝いのカード)などがあります。



  1. My mother keeps a box of greeting cards in a drawer so she always has one ready for important occasions.
  2. a: Did you get my Christmas card yet?
    b: It came yesterday. Thanks! I love the photo of your kids wearing Santa hats!
  3. One of my favorite things about New Year's in Japan is getting that stack of New Year's cards on the 1st.

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