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2007.11.21(Review of 2005.09.07 edition)

When you've got a mountain of paperwork in your inbox, where do you begin? With the most pressing and most important tasks of course! And that's where we'll begin today. Here's your Wednesday edition!

Today's Lesson
PRIORITY / PRIORITIZE   優先事項/優先順位をつける


  • Something is a priority (noun) if it is important and should be taken care of before other things.

    To prioritize (verb) a group of things (such as a list of things to do) is to decide which are the most important and should be taken care of before the others.
  • priority とは、重要度が高く、他のことより先に処理すべきこと、つまり、優先事項のことです。

    prioritize とは、いくつかある物事(すべき仕事のリストなど)の中から、一番重要で、優先して処理すべきなのは何かを判断する、という意味です。



  1. (a businessman)
    Ever since our first child was born, I've tried to make my family a priority.
    For instance, I always try to get home in time for us all to have dinner together.
  2. (a planning meeting)
    Our first priority should be to increase brand awareness as quickly as possible.
  3. He was a brilliant movie director, but since he never considered cost-management to be a priority, there were few producers who were willing to work with him.
  4. You should prioritize the things on your “To Do” list and take care of the most important tasks first.
  5. Since I began to prioritize my work, I've never missed a deadline and feel much less stress.

英会話レッスンAll the best!