
HOME > WordMaster® > BOYCOTT | ボイコット(する)、不買運動

2007.05.30(Review of 2003.10.17 edition)

It's bad enough when someone doesn't buy your product. But when they actively encourage others not to buy it as well, then you have a real problem on your hands!

Today's Lesson
BOYCOTT   ボイコット(する)、不買運動


  • To boycott (verb) is to refuse to buy, use, or do something in order to show your disapproval.

    The noun form is also boycott.
  • boycott (動詞)は、不支持や非難の意を示すために、ある商品を購入、使用することや、何らかの行動をとることを拒否する、という意味です。

    名詞形も同じ boycott です。



  1. Environmental groups are calling on their members to boycott all food products grown using the pesticide, which has been shown to have lingering toxic effects.
  2. An eight-month-long consumer boycott has finally convinced the clothing manufacturer to change its business practices in Asia.
  3. The powerful NGO launched a boycott of stores carrying the company's products.
  4. The government has imposed a boycott on beef from the region after several new cases of mad cow disease were reported.

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