
HOME > WordMaster® > LEAD/LEADER | 指導する、指揮する/指導者


Greetings! and welcome back!

This week, we bow our heads in humility and gratitude to the men and women who steer us into the future - the presidents, prime ministers, CEOs, corporate managers, military officers, movie directors, team captains, Scoutmasters ... well, you get the idea. Their talent and wisdom benefit us all!

Today's Lesson
LEAD / LEADER   指導する、指揮する/指導者


  • To lead is to be in charge of a group of people, an organization, etc.; in other words, to make decisions for others to follow and to direct their actions.

    A leader is someone who leads.
  • lead とは、集団や組織などを監督する、つまり、指導する、指揮する、という意味です。具体的には、他の人が従うべき決定を下したり、他の人の行動について指示を出すことです。

    leader とは、そのような立場にある人、つまり、指導者のことです。


  1. Ted was chosen to lead the project, with Veronica serving as his assistant.
  2. (during a presidential election year)
    Many Americans are wondering whether this will be the year when a woman is finally chosen to lead the country.
  3. During his time as CEO, George led the company to its most successful period ever.
  4. A good leader should constantly be trying to educate his or her team and should know when to delegate tasks.
  5. What this organization needs is a strong leader who is willing to take calculated risks.
  6. Helen was a natural born leader. She started her own company a year after graduating from college and was elected governor at age 35.

英会話レッスンAll the best, from the WordMaster team!