HOME > WordMaster® > FILL OUT vs. FILL IN |(書類の記入部分すべてに)書き込む vs. (空所、空欄に)書き込む

For Life
2006.06.22(Review of 2001.04.24 edition)

Printed forms are a little-loved part of doing your taxes, applying for college, renting an apartment, or visiting a government office. They're a part of life, so here are two expressions you can't do without!

Today's LessonCATEGORY: 混同しやすい言葉
(書類の記入部分すべてに)書き込む vs. (空所、空欄に)書き込む


  • When talking about printed forms, the expressions fill out and fill in mean “to enter (= write, type, etc.) missing information”.

    Be Careful! In the United States, we usually fill OUT the entire form or sections of a form. We fill IN smaller pieces of the form (for example, “the blank” or “this box”) or specific pieces of information (for example, “your name” or “the address”). These are NOT strict rules, however.
  • fill out あるいは fill in といった場合、書類に書いたり、タイプしたりすることで、不足している情報を入れる、という意味です。

    注意:アメリカでは、一般に fill out というと、書類全体、あるいは書類の特定の部分に関して、すべての必要事項を記入する、という意味になります。fill in は、空所、空欄など比較的小さい範囲に、氏名、住所など特定の情報を記入する、という意味ですが、この区別は、それほど厳密なものではありません。


  1. (front desk clerk to a guest checking in)
    Would you mind filling out this registration form, please?
  2. You shouldn't fill out traveller's checks with a pencil. Here, use my pen.
  3. I've finished writing my resume. Now I just have to fill out these job applications.
  4. Please fill in your name, address, and telephone number. Leave the rest of the form blank.
  5. a: A pop up just appeared on my computer asking me to fill out a questionnaire.
    b: Well, if it wants you to fill in any personal information, you'd better just close it.
  6. The first half of the test was multiple choice, and the second half was fill-in-the-blank.


(Fill in the blank with your favorite English expression for “goodbye”.)


