
HOME > WordMaster® > MONOPOLY | 市場独占、独占企業

2005.11.02(Review of 2004.11.16 edition)

Hi! Yesterday we looked at a business strategy that involved focusing on a small but important piece of the market. Today we examine the opposite approach - when a company wants it all!

Today's Lesson
MONOPOLY   市場独占、独占企業


  • A monopoly is a situation in which a company controls all of a particular market and others are unable to enter that market.

    Such a company itself can also be called a monopoly.
  • monopoly とは、ひとつの企業がある分野の市場の全てを支配し、他の企業はその市場に参入できない状態のことです。

    市場を独占している企業自体を monopoly 呼ぶことができます。


  1. Beau Bottle Distributors has a monopoly on the supply of wine from the Perdot region. So it has made a killing ever since three Perdot wineries made the Best-10 list in Wine Lovers Magazine.
  2. Some economists consider monopolies bad for consumers, because without competition there is nothing to keep prices from rising.
  3. The courts determined that the software maker was indeed a monopoly and ordered the company to make a number of fundamental changes to their business model.

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