BOOM (v, n)の意味、景気づく、にわか景気

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2005.10.06(Review of 2004.07.07 edition)

Hi! We told you things would get better, and they have - big time!

Today's LessonCATEGORY: イディオム
BOOM (v, n)   景気づく/にわか景気


  • If business or an industry is booming, business is increasing rapidly. If the economy is booming, it is growing rapidly.

    A boom is a period when business or the economy is booming.
  • boom は、景気づく、という意味です。企業や産業が急成長しているときや、急速に景気がよくなっているときに使います。

    名詞の boom は、企業の業績が急に伸びたり、景気が急上昇したりする経済の好調期のことを言います。


  1. a: How's business these days?
    b: Booming! We've had a record year.
  2. The real estate market in many parts of the world continues to boom. In some cities, property values are increasing 20 to 40% a year!
  3. I took a trip home last month and, wow, was I surprised! The city is really booming! It might be time for me to move back there.
  4. The economies in many countries experience boom and bust cycles.
  5. The economic boom of the 1980s sure was an exciting time to be doing business.

英会話レッスンKeep smiling!