
HOME > WordMaster® > EMBEZZLE | 使い込む、横領する

2005.02.24 (Review of 2003.09.18 edition)

Welcome to the Thursday WordMaster@Work!

We introduce you to one more corporate crime today, and this one is especially execrable. Not only is it highly illegal, but in committing this act, a person also betrays the trust of those who thought enough of him to provide him with employment!

Today's Lesson
EMBEZZLE   使い込む、横領する


  • To embezzle is to steal money or property that you handle or are responsible for at work.
  • embezzle は、自分が扱っていたり、責任者として管理していたりする職場の財産を盗む、という意味です。


  1. Bill had embezzled over ¥8 million from his company before he was finally caught.
  2. An independent audit showed that the company's accountant had been systematically embezzling funds for years.
  3. His former employer accused him of embezzling company property, but there wasn't enough evidence to press charges.

英会話レッスンCrime does not pay - but knowing how to talk about it most certainly does!