
HOME > WordMaster® > KICKBACK | (賄賂としての)報酬、リベート

2005.02.23 (Review of 2003.09.24 edition)


Yesterday we introduced the word “bribe”. Today's WordMaster@Work edition looks at a particular kind of bribe that is especially relevant to the business world.

Today's Lesson
KICKBACK   (賄賂としての)報酬、リベート


  • A kickback is an illegal payment to someone who has done you a favor, such as arranging a contract with your company or giving you a job.
  • kickback は、自分の会社との契約の手はずを整えてくれた、仕事をくれた、など、自分に有利に取り計らってくれた人に不正に渡す金銭のことです。


  1. A newspaper report later revealed that Mayhem Inc. had been given the defense contract in exchange for kickbacks to several influential senators.
  2. I'm afraid I've got some bad news. I have reason to believe that our purchasing agent has been receiving kickbacks from two of our major suppliers.
  3. (a former insurance company employee during his trial)
    We had no choice but to pay those kickbacks. Who would have given us their business otherwise? We were just a small, unknown company at the time.

英会話レッスンAll we can offer you is knowledge and warm companionship, but we hope that's enough to persuade you to join us again tomorrow!