COVER UP、COVER-UPの意味、もみ消す、隠蔽する、隠蔽

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2005.02.18 (Review of 2003.12.18 edition)

Welcome back! Maybe you've already caught on, but this whole week we've been talking about the communication of information - both communication that's good and necessary and communication that's simply unethical. Can you tell which kind is the subject of today's edition?

Today's LessonCATEGORY:イディオム


  • To cover up something is to prevent people from finding out the truth about a mistake, crime, or other unfavorable situation.

    A cover-up is the act of covering up something.
  • cover up は、失敗や犯罪などの都合の悪い事態を人に知られないようにする、という意味です。

    cover-up は、名詞形で、何かを覆い隠す行為のことです。


  1. They paid large bribes to local politicians and then tried to cover up those payments by falsifying documents.
  2. The Watergate scandal may be the most famous cover-up in modern history.

英会話レッスンWe'll be back on Monday - honest!