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For Life

For those who wish to give back some of what they've received after a life rich in blessings, here's a terrific way to make retirement count!

Please enjoy your Friday WordMaster!

Today's Lesson
VOLUNTEER   ボランティア(をする)


  • To volunteer is to work without receiving pay, not because you have to, but because you want to help.

    A person who does this kind of work is called a volunteer.
  • volunteer とは、しなければならないという理由からではなく、助けたいという理由で賃金を受け取らずに働く、つまりボランティアをするという意味です。

    そうした仕事をする人のことも、volunteer と呼びます。


  1. No one made him go on that dangerous mission; he volunteered for it.
  2. My two sisters and I volunteer every Christmas to serve meals at the homeless shelter.
  3. After retiring, many people do volunteer work for charitable organizations.
  4. Scarlet Cross volunteers are helping hurricane victims by distributing medicine and fresh water.
  5. The organization has little money, so we always need volunteers.
  6. The school is asking for volunteers to help at the bazaar.

英会話レッスンMuch joy to you this weekend!