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For Life

Welcome back! We've got more thrills - AND spills! - in store for you today. Don't forget your crash helmet!

Today's Lesson
SPRAIN   くじく、捻挫


  • To sprain a joint (= a place where two bones are joined together) is to injure it by twisting it suddenly, such as during a fall.

    Such an injury is called a sprain.
  • sprain は、関節を瞬時にねじる(転んだときなど)ことによって、その部分を傷める――つまり、くじく、という意味です。

    名詞の sprain は、捻挫という意味です。


  1. (on the phone)
    a: How was the ski trip?
    b: It was a disaster. On my first run down the slope, I fell and sprained my knee. All I could do the next three days was sit in the chalet and watch TV.
  2. This trail is pretty rocky, isn't it? Be careful you don't sprain your ankle.
  3. a: What happened to your arm?
    b: I fell off the skateboard and sprained my wrist when I hit the ground.
  4. (after seeing the doctor about pain in your elbow)
    It's not as bad as I thought. The doctor said it was just a minor sprain.
  5. I've gotten some bad sprains since I started playing football, but never anything more serious than that.

英会話レッスンCome back tomorrow for the week's final and most disastrous WordMaster edition - if you dare!