COOK (v)   料理する

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Welcome to Wednesday! For the next three days, we'll be making food our theme once again. We hope you're hungry! 

To cook is to prepare food for eating, usually involving heating the food.

cook は、食べ物を食べられる状態に準備すること、つまり料理する、という意味です。普通、熱を加えて料理するときに用います。 
1.A lot of single men never cook for themselves. They either eat out or buy instant food.
2.My mother never liked to cook. She always preferred housecleaning and working in her garden.
3.I don't think you cooked the hamburgers long enough; the meat's still red in the middle.
4.I'm taking a Thai cooking class. Last week we learned how to make green curry.
5.a:Who does the cooking in your family?
b:My mother, of course. My father can't even fry an egg.
Thanks for dining with us!

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