(north) OF vs. IN THE (north) OF    ~の(北) vs. ~の(北)部

HOME>Word Master®>(north) OF vs. IN THE (north) OF    ~の(北) vs. ~の(北)部

Welcome! With today's WordMaster we finish off yet another week of our email service, now nearly one year old. Keep coming back and we'll keep offering you your daily spoonful of English -- Berlitz style!

If a place is north of a second place, then it is SEPARATE FROM the second place and above it on a map.

If a place is in the north of a second place, then it is WITHIN the upper part (as seen on a map) of the second place.

Of course, we can replace the word "north" with "south", "east", "south-west", etc.

(Also see the 15 March 2001 WordMaster, "IN FRONT [OF] vs. IN THE FRONT [OF]".)

north of は、その場所が、ある地域(外)の北にあるという意味で、地図上ではある地域の上になります。

in the north of は、その場所が、ある地域の中の北部に位置するという意味です。


2001/3/15 WordMaster "IN FRONT [OF] vs. IN THE FRONT [OF]"参照)
1.Africa is just a few miles south of Gibraltar, across the water.
2.I was born in Nagoya. It's a big city west of Tokyo. 
3.There is some spectacular natural scenery in the southwest of the United States.
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