TEENAGER   ティーンエイジャー

HOME>Word Master®>TEENAGER   ティーンエイジャー

Hello! Here's the last WordMaster of the week. We hope you've enjoyed all of this week's editions.

A teenager is anyone from age 13 to 19 (thir-TEEN to nine-TEEN).

(Be careful: Teenager does not equal 10代の人 . A person who is 10, 11, or 12 years old is NOT yet a teenager.)

teenager は、13歳から19歳の人のことです。

注意: teenager は、日本語の「10代の人」と同じではありません。 10歳、11歳、12歳の人は、teenager には含まれません。

1. When I was a teenager, I used to love hard rock music. Now that I'm older, I rarely
   listen to it.

2. Teenagers are not supposed to drink or smoke. They're supposed to wait until they
   are 20 years old.

3. I'm the mother of three teenagers. Two are in high school, and the oldest started
   college last year.
Don't forget to look for us in your Monday mailbag!