Hello, hello! It's so nice to see you again! We've brought your Tuesday WordMaster with us, still hot out of the oven.

Enjoy it!


A table is a piece of furniture with a flat top on four legs (or other support).

A desk has a flat (or sloped) surface and often has drawers or other places to put paper, files, pens and pencils, etc.

(Be careful: Some desks and tables look alike, but usually if it is used only for reading or writing, we are more likely to call it a desk. A table, on the other hand, can have many different uses; for example, having meals, playing games, doing various kinds of work, holding meetings, etc.)



注意: tabledeskは、見分けがつかないことがありますが、読書や書き物専用の物をdeskと呼ぶことが多いです。一方、tableは、食事、ゲーム、いろいろな作業、ミーテイングなど、様々な用途に使われます


1. Our kitchen table is large enough for eight people.

2. Yoshimi's desk is at the very back of the classroom.

3. I get tired of working at my desk all day. I need to get out of the office more often.

See you tomorrow!